I thought it was no big deal but after a min, i felt short sharp pain that comes and goes, like needle poking. Felt ok throughout the whole day so i didnt really give a shit. There was this very red small dot there initially but while at work, i noticed it turned in a blister and i asked my doctor (im working as a clinic assistant if you dont already know) about it and he say that its normal so whatevs.
The next morning while getting ready for school, i noticed that i have been constantly scratching my arms so i finally check it out whats wrong, theres this red huge patch surrounding the dot-that-turn-into-a-blister (which burst itself btw) and totally went like eeeyer what on earth? HAHA
Not sure if you can see that its swollen but it is!! This was taken the next day at work (again) and i ask my doctor again (another one, theres 2) and he ask aiyo why your hand like that hahah and i was like its normal right?? He say NO? NORMAL PEOPLE NOT LIKE THAT ONE. So he said theres and infection. He then gave me a cream to apply which MADE THINGS WORSE.
Next day, that huge patch was damn freaking red and my arm is god damn swollen. Pictures wont do the justice at all.
From the side, it looked like my muscles grew (i have arm muscles from carry of my forever heavy) but haha no, its just swollen. Was working again that night so i ask my doc (first one who said it was normal with the blister thingy) about it and he freaked out while seeing it. He gave me this stronger cream to apply and the redness calmed down the next day. So yay i don't look like a freak anymore.
A week later (which is now), its not red and swollen anymore but the patch is still there. I secretly hope that something major happen tho, like i black out after being stung and then this guy will come carry me which might fail cos im too heavy or that maybe he's too skinny hahahah
ok byebye
Wha sibei jialat