Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I think my armpit smells good

Ugh. I have been complaining so much about school, particularly bout Econs, on many social platform lately because i really ABHOR my lecturer so much. So i have been skipping quite a few Econs lesson cos its so difficult to wake up every morning knowing that i have to sit in the lecture room for 3 freaking hours listening to some oh-i-dont-give-a-fuck stuff. Pfft. Then i realized, im definitely doom for this module. HELP ME HELPPPPP.

Can you believe it that December is reaching and the year is ending already??!! TOO DAMN FAST YO. What have you accomplished? I've been trying hard to think what i've accomplished and so far and....nothing came in mind. WHAT IS THISSSSS. Cannot, This is not acceptable, i gotta squeeze something out.

oh yeah, the title is just... random thought hehe. BYE

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The day where i got bitten by.....idk

So while having break last Monday, Lili, Angel, Anna and i went to Fairprice beside school to buy some snacks and while talking to them, i felt something poking my right arm and i was thinking wtf is happening and stopped our conversation and look at my arm and saw this weird looking insect that i've never seen it before in my whole life. Its black and have this little yellow color thingy on it body (its not a bee, thank god). I tried to blow it away (because that's my first reaction and thats how i deal with ants and small mosquitos) but it just stayed there. I then swiped it off using my wallet.

I thought it was no big deal but after a min, i felt short sharp pain that comes and goes, like needle poking. Felt ok throughout the whole day so i didnt really give a shit. There was this very red small dot there initially but while at work, i noticed it turned in a blister and i asked my doctor (im working as a clinic assistant if you dont already know) about it and he say that its normal so whatevs.

The next morning while getting ready for school, i noticed that i have been constantly scratching my arms so i finally check it out whats wrong, theres this red huge patch surrounding the dot-that-turn-into-a-blister (which burst itself btw) and totally went like eeeyer what on earth? HAHA

Not sure if you can see that its swollen but it is!! This was taken the next day at work (again) and i ask my doctor again (another one, theres 2) and he ask aiyo why your hand like that hahah and i was like its normal right?? He say NO? NORMAL PEOPLE NOT LIKE THAT ONE. So he said theres and infection. He then gave me a cream to apply which MADE THINGS WORSE.

Next day, that huge patch was damn freaking red and my arm is god damn swollen. Pictures wont do the justice at all.

From the side, it looked like my muscles grew (i have arm muscles from carry of my forever heavy) but haha no, its just swollen. Was working again that night so i ask my doc (first one who said it was normal with the blister thingy) about it and he freaked out while seeing it. He gave me this stronger cream to apply and the redness calmed down the next day. So yay i don't look like a freak anymore. 

A week later (which is now), its not red and swollen anymore but the patch is still there. I secretly hope that something major happen tho, like i black out after being stung and then this guy will come carry me which might fail cos im too heavy or that maybe he's too skinny hahahah

ok byebye

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Just wanna lor

 Image below is just to show how my sissy always not entertain me :/

 Met up with Christie sometime this week for no apparent reason. Had pizza because when in doubt, have pizza. I really really cannot live without pizza. Then while walking over to Far east to do my nails, some CozyCot peeps stopped me saying that want to feature my outfit and of cos i said im. But they did a very bad job leh. So unflattering one, the photo. But whatevs la hahahaha. IT IS THE TIME OF THE YEAR AGAIN!! TOFFEE NUT LATTE IS BACK *jump around with joy* This cup of joy is so worth every calories heheheheheh. Side note, I survived working 9 consecutive days!! Super no life but so happy its payday because i have so many things in my cart (online shopping), i need to checkout asap!! 
Today i came home after having breakfast dimsum with my family and went into 2 hours coma. I don't know why or how it happened. I GOT SO TIRED ANOT?! Hahahha quite funny because like i was just slacking on bed and all of the sudden i went coma. HAHAHAHA 

Ok byebye, theres school tomorrow booohoooo